Beiruting - Events - The Sixth by The Backstage Dance House
Nov 2017
The Sixth by The Backstage Dance House
Nightlife Reston Hotel Lebanon
'What is "The Sixth"?

"The Sixth" is the fruit of our Backstage's family. "The Sixth" is the fruit of our unique bonds.Β 
The "Sixth" is for us. "The Sixth" is for you. "The Sixth" is for The Backstage. "The Sixth" is for this family of dancers! The "Sixth" is for all the adorable Backstagers out there. The "Sixth" is a reminder that "Once a Backstager, Always a Backstager!". The "Sixth" is for every dancer. The "Sixth" is for every dance lover. And finally, the "Sixth" is the most beautiful sense. It's our Sixth sense. It's our dancing sense! And it is the base of what connects us all today!
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