SCORA's WAD Fundraising Concert
Saint Joseph University
Lebanon -
07 December 2016
SCORA's WAD Fundraising Concert
The Standing Committee on Sexual and Reproductive Health including HIV/AIDS is holding its annual fundrasing concert, the proceeds of which are directed to SCORA's CD 4 count fund, the count being a blood test that people living with HIV have to do every year which is neither covered by the government nor by insurance companies, and costs between 100-200$ depending on the hospital. People living with HIV need to do this test twice a year, to monitor their prognosis.
Every year this concert is held around the time of World AIDS Day, which is December 1st, where we remember those that we have lost to AIDS, those that are living with HIV today marginalized and stigmatized by society, and raise our voices so that we can stop the spread of HIV.
This year the concert will be taking place on December 7th at 8:30 pm in Pierre Abou Khater Amphitheater in USJ.
Tickets will be sold on BAU, AUB, LAU, USJ and UOB campuses throughout the next 2 weeks, or bought at the door.
LBP15,000 for Students
LBP20,000 for Non-Students