Mahmoud Kahil Award 2017
Tahwita -
08 March 2018
Mahmoud Kahil Award 2017
The honoring ceremony for the winners of the Mahmoud Kahil Award, given for the third consecutive year by theMu'taz& Rada Sawwaf Arabic Comics Initiative, was held on Thursday March 8th, at Seaside Front- Beirut . The ceremony was attended by former prime minister Fouad Siniora, minister of telecommunications Jamal Jarrah, Mrs.Lama Salam and by a number of political and economic figures, as well as social, artistic and media figures, During the ceremony, the Mu'taz & Rada Sawwaf Arabic Comics Initiative announced the issuing of a commemorative stamp in the name of Mahmoud Kahil. Copies of this stamp, which was created in collaboration with the Ministry of Telecommunications and Liban Post, have been distributed to all the guests. Special "Limited edition" stamps were handed over by minister Jarrah to theKahil family, and by Liban Post CEO Khalil Daoud to Mu'taz and Rada Sawwaf.
The Mu'taz and Rada Sawwaf Initiative honored the President of the Syndicate of Journalists and chief editor of "Al Shark" newspaper AouniKaaki, as well as Bishr Al Adem, a friend of late Mahmoud Kahil.
In his speech, Mr. Kaaki, whogave a brief on Mr. Sawwaf's initiatives and shed the lighton the most important achievements of his career, noticed thatMr. Sawwaf is not"among the wealthy people who try to show off their fortunes", but of "those who prefer to bring their support to charity and to humanitarian activities ". Mr. Kaakialso stressed on the roleof caricature in journalism and considered it as important as a front-page article.
The trophies were givento the winners.Egyptian artist SherifArafa(Egypt) won the Mahmoud Kahil Award under the Editorial Cartoons' category, SeifEddineNechi(Tunisia) won the Graphic Novels category award. The Comic Strips award went to Egyptian artist Mohamed Salah, whereas Graphic Illustrations/infographics award went to Tracy Chahwan (Lebanon).Egyptian nationalWalidTaher won the Children's Book Illustrations award.
The Lifetime Achievement Hall of Fame honorary award, recognizing an outstanding dedication and service for a minimum of 25 years in the fields of comics, cartoons and illustration, went to the late Palestinian caricaturist Naji AlAli, who was assassinated in London in 1987. Al Ali, who used to sign his works with his character Hanzala, had worked for many Kuwaiti newspapers, including Al Taliaa, Al Seyassah and Al Qabas, as well the Lebanese newspaper Assafir.
The Comics Guardian award, another honorary prize recognizing those who have extensively supported comics and cartoons in the Arab world through preserving, collecting, promoting, publishing, teaching or exhibiting this Art, went to Dalila Nedjm, director the International Comic Strips Festival of Algiers (FIBDA).
Dr. Mohamed H. Sayegh, vice president of Medical Affairs and dean of the Faculty of Medicine at AUB, pronounced a short speech on behalf of AUB president Dr. FadloKhury, in which he praised the talented artists and thanked Mr. Sawwaf's "generous support" to the university, humanitarian initiatives and art.
Journalist Jihad Khazen remembered MahmoudKahil'sdebutsand shared some memories about caricaturistNaji Al Ali.
Mrs. Sawwaf noticed, in her speech, that « Lebanon is, more than ever, concerned about paying tribute to Lebanese artists and talents such as Pierre Sadek". "These artists are our response to those who try to tarnish our country's reputation of being a school of talent and generosity", she added.
She also remembered the « long journey » of Mahmoud Kahil « in the field of caricature » and stated that "he became a reference in art around the world, and his caricatures have reached all four corners of the globe". "The initiative that we have created, in collaboration with the American University of Beirut (AUB) and its president Pr. FadloKhoury, has really helped us attract Arab artists from the Middle-East and North Africa. Today, this annual gathering at AUB is destined to all the artists of the Arab World", she continued. In addition, she praised "the international importance that the initiative reached" after having succeeded in dedicating a section for displaying Arabcreations at the Angouleme festival, which is considered one of the most prominent caricature and comics festivals in Europe. This "shows the world the cultural and civilized face of Lebanon".
Mrs. Sawwafthanked minister Jarrah, the post administration, as well as LibanPost for their cooperation in the issuing of a commemorative stamp to honor Mahmoud Kahil's creations. "This stamp has a big emotional value for us, to Mahmoud Kahil's family and to his friends", she confessed. Then, she expressed her wish to see "all the Lebanese stay united around thought and culture, which represent the true face of our country" and "to gather again next year with Lebanese and Arab artists around thought and beauty through illustration with words and expression with colors and pens". She concluded by saying that "it is solely through these ways that our Arab World will attain the true values of law, goodness and beauty".
Over 737 artworks were submitted to this year's edition, from more than most of the Arab countries, including Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Kuwait, Yemen, Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Sudan & Morocco. The submissions included 270 editorial cartoons, 174 graphic illustrations, 140 children's book illustrations, 140 comic strips and 13 graphic novels.
The jury included British editorial cartoonist and writer Martin Rowson, whose cartoons appear frequently in The Guardian and the Daily Mirror, Danish art historian Louise C. Larsen, co-founder of the Museum of Danish Cartoon Art, renowned Lebanese editorial cartoonist and comics artist George Khoury, Iraqi cartoonist and painter of books and magazines for children Ali al-Mandalawi, Lebanese visual narrator and co-founder of «Samandal »(Salamander) magazine Lena Merhej, and Algerian Comic artist, illustrator and graphic designer Rym Mokhtari