KidzMondo welcomes Pizzanin on board
Lebanon -
25 June 2019
KidzMondo welcomes Pizzanin on board
Kids to take over their own Pizza's production line
Pizzanini, Lebanon's renowned pizza chain with over 24 branches around the country, launched its 25th branch at KidzMondo Beirut, the leading children edutainment city in Lebanon
This unique branch comes in the form of a pizza factory where kids take over the production process, from preparation to cooking and serving, with the assistance of specialized staff.
During the opening ceremony which took place on the 25th of June, Mr. Samer Kahil, CEO of KidzMondo Beirut awarded the sponsorship certificate to the Manging Partner Mr. Tony Lahoud and upon receiving the certificate, Mr. Lahoud affirmed Pizzanini's commitment to share the know-how and technicalities of pizza-making and service with the new generations, hoping it inspires those who find their passion in the food industry to start shaping up their future. "The real challenge is not to find a job when we grow up, but in building a career. Achieving that successfully is impossible without learning first how to do things with our own hands. That is the real message we aim to communicate through this branch" he asserted.
Ms. Mirna Souaid, the Marketing & PR Director of KidzMondo Beirut, highlighted the commitment part shown by both KidzMondo Beirut and Pizzanini teams to make this opening a success. "This is indeed an important occasion for all of us because it allows us to add a new pillar to our list of triple A marketing partners", Ms. Souaid stated and promised a year full of edutaining activities offered in collaboration with Pizzanini.
Media, staff, friends and guests enjoyed a memorable feast together celebrating this opening and cut a special cake to commemorate the occasion.