Taekwondo for children and those with Learning Difficulties
Taekwondo for children and with those with Learning Difficulties at Special Miles (S-miles) Center
Build your strength endurance, flexibility, balance, self discipline, self control and self defense in S-miles Taekwondo sessions.
Classes are open for ages 4 till 18 For more info please don't hesitate to contact us on +961 71 74 74 54
Why Taekwondo?
It's no secret that a traditional martial arts program is one of the best extracurricular activities a child can participate in. For children with learning difficulties and special needs the benefits are invaluable because of the inherit structure and discipline the arts bring to a child's daily life. All children need structure, some more than others. Some might need to be reminded more often or a different approach might be necessary, but in the end, it's all the same.
The unique component of martial arts for children with learning difficulties is the competition within themselves, not with others. Children with learning difficulties must work on life skills, not competing with others for a trophy. That's not to say they shouldn't compete and receive those same rewards, because they should! However, the criteria must be carefully considered and achievable. Life skills are why you should consider martial arts, and if that's all you receive you are a winner!
Some parents who start their children in Taekwondo are concerned with their children's ability to concentrate. Taekwondo, one of the most enjoyable sports for children with learning difficulties, and parents often do a double take when this sport is mentioned, fearing that a martial art will lead to serious social problems for their children because of their impulsiveness and aggressiveness. However, Taekwondo can be of the most therapeutic programs for children with ADHD, ADD, Autism and ODD, and children can start as early as 4 or 5 years of age.
The benefits offered by S-miles Taekwondo program can involve:
Structure/Consistency and Repetition Create familiarity, and, therefore, children on the autism spectrum do well with classes. Repetition of the same location, same faces, same curriculum, and knowing what to expect are all part of the recipe. With continuous structure, discipline and fun exercises, even the child with multisensory issues almost immediately rises to the occasion. Focus/concentration Balance/tone/awareness/self regulation Core strength/reduced anxiety/spatial awareness Rules/rituals Stop-and-think attitude Absolute obedience
No Techniques are taught until the children have learned to stop, listen, and think. Classes are small (3 to 6 kids/class), so the instructor's attention can be appropriately focus on each child. The techniques are monitored carefully, emphasizing over and over that Taekwondo is a sport and is not to be used for any aggressive play.
Most children with learning difficulties and special needs receive therapies on a weekly basis. Adding a traditional martial arts program to their existing therapies can only assist them in reaching their goals faster. Think about it; when an instructor focuses on YOUR child's needs there is no doubt the results are immediate.
Please let us help your child focus his/her energy in an exciting and useful endeavor
The S-miles Taekwondo program offers classes to accommodate a wide variety of Special Needs including:
-ADD/ADHD -Developmental Disabilities -Mild intellectual difficulties -Slow learners -Dyslexia, dyspraxia -Epilepsy -Sensory Integration Disorders -Mitochondrial Disorders -Speech Disorder -Emotionally disturbed -Vision Impaired -Hearing Impaired -Autism Spectrum Disorder -And many others
For more info please don't hesitate to contact us on +961 71 74 74 54
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Special Miles