The tenor Gabriel Abdel Nour launched his tenth annual festival in Chiyah,in the presence of a crowd of polititians,
led by MP Naji Gharios and mayors of each of the municipalities of Chiyah;Edmond Gharios, Hazmieh;Jean-Asmar,and Furn El-Shobak;Raymond Simon, in addition to thousands of citizens.
After an introduction by the media Angelique Mons,Abdel Nour ascended the theater to open the festival with the Lebanese national anthem, which he sang without music accompaniment.
After the national anthem, Gabriel sang a song named "Ambehlam ya helm ya lebnen"(“عم بحلمك يا حلم يا لبنان”) which is written by a famous poet;Said Akl,composed by Elias Rahbani.And,as usual,the famous tenor excelled in singing the highest layers performed until today.
The finally was by a song named "Lakom Lebnenikom, wa li, lebneni" (“لكم لبنانكم ولي لبناني”) which is written by Gebran Khalil Gebran and composed by Elie Choueiri, from Abdelnour's first album.
And so,the opening was on a level of sophistication and culture,and brought to the attention of the audience and officials who hailed his performance and his outstanding voice.