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    Generation Us- The future belongs to you

    04 february 2019


    "We are the world, we are the children, we are the ones who make a brighter day, so let's start giving..."


    Hoping that by now you are humming the lyrics to the joyful melody of "We are the world" by USA for Africa - and trusting we have put you in the proper vibe, let's carry on with the same line of thinking.


    Don't they say that if you have a big dream, nothing should stop you from turning this dream into reality? Also, don't they say, "be the change that you wish to see in the world"?


    We must all start somewhere, and today we're offering you the opportunity to do so.


    Meet US. Meet Generation US.


    Who are we? We're a community that gathers individuals who share the same values and dreams, individuals that want to have an impact, individuals that wish for a better Lebanon...


    Did you ever think of a hub in Lebanon gathering the whole population? A place where all your innovative and creative ideas will come to live? A place where we would all stand together as one with the aim of making a significant change?  And all of this initiated by a Bank??


    By embracing a futuristic culture, giving back to our community and encouraging everyone to play a role in a national change, we are giving you a voice loud enough to be heard nationally and globally.


    Stay tuned to know who's behind it.



    • Generation Us- The future belongs to you

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