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    In Video: TikTokers Are Freaking Out Trying To Put Their Palm On Their Shoulder

    20 february 2021

    Can you touch your toes without bending your knees? Maybe touch your nose with your tongue? No? How about putting your palm on your shoulder?

    It might seem like a simple ask, but as it turns out, it’s not all that easy to do.

    It all started with TikTok user Lauren Murphy, who shared a video online with the caption: ‘I just found out you can’t touch your palm to your shoulder’. We’re talking same hand, same shoulder, here – none of this left hand, right shoulder bullsh*t.

    Check out the video below:


    After proving that she couldn’t touch her palm to her shoulder, Lauren’s video got picked up by another TikToker, Cinda, who showed herself screaming in frustration as she attempted to prove Lauren wrong.

    Many other social media users were delighted to realise they could do the same, with one writing: ‘Are y’all alright cause I can do it just fine…’ and another responding: ‘Am I the only one who can do it?’

    Having posed the question to my colleagues, I was met with some shouts of success alongside a number of failed efforts, one of which nearly resulted in a dislocated shoulder. But no matter how much you might want to prove the TikTok video wrong, please don’t injure yourself in the process.

    • In Video: TikTokers Are Freaking Out Trying To Put Their Palm On Their Shoulder

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