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    Beiruting.com Interview with Jad Dawaliby

    05 december 2013


    1) Who has impacted you most in your career and how?

    I have been impacted by the pillars of the “French Song”. Discovering its masters such as Jacques Brel, Edith Piaf and Charles Aznavour, to name few, at a very early stage of my life was a revelation! I was almost the only one between my schoolmates to listen to such type of music. I clearly remember how I discovered the very old cassettes in the last drawer of my parents’ bedroom and how I immediately penetrated into the stimulating scent of that époque. At present, I continuously struggle to survive on the perfume of those days.



    2) List five words that describe your character.

    Ambitious, determined, sensible, listener and loving.



    3) Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?

    I endlessly see myself: “a tailor of words!”… Writing new songs and composing new melodies. Music transforms your life into a never ending rhythm.



    4) Tell me about your proudest achievement.

    I have been blessed with various gifts and talents. I have been successfully cruising from a success to another. However, “Tailleur de mots”, remain until this day my dearest and proudest achievement.



    5) Do you play any instruments?

    No; but when the words fall and gently caress my feelings, I naturally find for each word its perfect note and for each song its perfect rhythm.



    6) What hidden talents do you have?

    Cooking… My way of creating a singular festival of tastes!



    7) Where would you most like to perform?

    It’s not only about the place but more about the auditors. There is no specific place in my mind now.



    8) How do you handle mistakes during a performance?

    There are two types of mistakes. The mistakes that I only notice and the mistakes the public notices. During a performance, I would smile, if possible, and continue. I have zero tolerance for mistakes and rehearse adequately to avoid such embarrassing situations.



    9) Do you get nervous before a performance or a competition?

    I used to and I still do sometimes. The stage fright accompanies an artist throughout his whole career. This feeling diminish with time.



    10) You have fans on Facebook, twitter, MySpace, how do you keep up with all the fans demands in terms of wanting to feel involved with whatever you do.

    “Tailleur de mots” is a “special” album. It is different and does not follow the current global music trend. However, I want my words and my music to spread across. I have recently created my page on Facebook: Jad Dawaliby - Tailleur de mots. My objective is to keep it rich and active. I always ensure that quality is maintained in each post: status updates, comments, pictures, etc.



    11) What is your favorite color?

    My favorite color is Yellow.



    12) What is your favorite food?

    I enjoy every bite of food prepared with passion and love. All cuisines are rich in tastes and colors but I tend to go for delicate dishes prepared with fine and rare ingredients.



    13) Have you always enjoyed the art of music?

    “Without any music, life would be a mistake.”

    Friedrich Nietzsche


    14) What songs might I find on your MP3 player?

    A large combination of French, English and Arabic music. I am tremendously selective and I tend to value a song based on its lyrics first; I am a poet after all. Brel, Aznavour and Linda Lemay figure on the top of my lists. I adore Dalida, Macias and Dassin. I listen to The Beatles and I am enchanted by the Broadway musicals. Fairuz, Majida El Roumi and Hiba Tawaji figure on the top of my favorite Arabic singers.


    15) What do you think about when you’re preforming?

    I think about the words and the effort I should demonstrate to ensure that the direct or the underlying meaning of each word touch the spirit of every listener.



    16) What’s your motto or the advice you live by?

    “For the best is only bought at the cost of great pain… Or so says the legend.”

    The Thorn Birds by Colleen McCullough


    17) How long did it take you to get your coming out album done?

    Almost three years of intensive work and follow-up.



    18) Some singers say that creating an album is like some sort of therapy, do you see it the same way?

    When passion is genuinely involved, any creation becomes a sort of therapy. It heals the creator and it contagiously touches any passionate soul.




    19) Was the album a therapy of some sort? Do any of the songs have connections to someone dear and close to you?

    A poet cannot limit his writings to scenarios he has only experienced. A poet lives amongst people and must contribute in telling his and their stories. Otherwise, that would be a grave limitation to his career. An artist cannot be selfish and at the end, a song belongs to all.



    20) Michael Phelps ended his career with 19 gold medals and beat with that all records that were set before him; do you have any plans for the future to beat records of world celebrities with your albums and tracks?

    Dreaming is unconditional and has not limits; but dreaming is not enough. I am working very hard and steadily choosing my steps. I would be in a better position to answer this question in few years’ time. I am currently concentrating on my album and I wish that “Tailleur de mots” takes the success it deserves.


    By : Kuvalina Anastasia

    • Beiruting.com Interview with Jad Dawaliby

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