2/22/2025 8:11:58 AM

Beiruting News

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    KAFA NoLawNoVote

    01 april 2014

    That's it! We, women of Lebanon, and all supporters of equal rights, are tired of watching women being abused, beaten up, raped and KILLED, while our voice is being neglected over the years.


    So this is simple and straight to point:


    Dear Members of Parliament, we are the majority of the population residing in Lebanon.

    We are the strongest voting force.

    Do you want our vote in the upcoming Parliamentary Elections? You might get it only if you pass the Law To Protect Women from Family Violence, with the required amendments!



    We will lock our fingers, turn them to red, the color of our injuries and restrain from voting until you pass the law.


    Vote for us... so we vote for you!

    • KAFA NoLawNoVote
    • KAFA NoLawNoVote
    • KAFA NoLawNoVote

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