Beirut Exhibition Center (Solidere) will host the finest works of German artist Angelika von Schwedesstarting Friday, September 7th at 6:00 PM and until the 14th of October 2012.
Angelika von Schwedes composes her oil paintings with powerful, confident, broad, clear, sensuousbrushstrokes, with beguilingly wild and fresh colors, pervaded by a light that seems to have come intobeing of its own accord in order to talk about things that are vibrantly present in their rawness, unifiedwith the body of the world.
Angelika von Schwedes came to painting from time and places through which a stormy wind blew andleft her shaken by conflicting emotions and changes. Upheavals not only in politics, but also in art,philosophy, ethics and how people saw their own humanity and their relationship to nature and the world.
She followed the example of her expressionist teachers, but then detached herself from them andwent her own way. The defeats and dilemmas of an embattled German generation are present in herpaintings, but also the creative power that arises from conflicts and challenges, intensified by a femaleconsciousness that opens the awareness to other dimensions.