Not many people know about this, but the whitish area around your nail is actually a highly sensitive and important part of its structure. Some argue that the size of the lunula — the semicircular patch at the base of each nail — can indicate whether or not a person is suffering from various diseases affecting the internal organs.[Brightside]
1. The absence of the lunula from the thumbs can indicate the presence of psychological illnesses.
2. The absence of the lunula or a very small one on the index finger can indicate that a person has problems with their intestine, liver, or pancreas, as well as problems with the reproductive system in the case of women.
3. The disappearance of the lunula from the middle finger can indicate problems with arterial pressure.
4. The lack of a lunula on the third finger can be a sign that a person has problems with their endocrine system.
5. The disappearance of the lunula from the fourth finger might be a sign that a person’s intestines are blocked up.