3/13/2025 1:57:06 AM
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    5 Types of Lebanese Drivers

    When you drive in Lebanon, it doesn’t take you long to pick up on those familiar types of drivers you encounter on a daily basis.


    You see them everywhere. You might even be one of them.


    Here are 5 types of Lebanese Drivers: 


    1)The Chosen ones

    Don’t get us started on this one.

    So… apparently if your number is red, you automatically become invincible. You can drive anywhere, on top of anyone, at any street lights or signs. Your hand is untouchable since you are immortal as it’s always outside the window and your horn is your best friend. Have you guessed the riddle yet?



    2) The Racers

    You can hear them from a far distance and then suddenly you see them as the Lebanese would say “3am ybatewno” all around you – either alone or racing with some other car trying to prove whose a better racer. They sometimes linger behind your car surprising you with their blinding lights for you to get out of their way.



    Most of the time, they belong to some kind of club – Golf Gti Club or Audi Club Lebanon…


    3) The Texters

    We can’t say we all haven’t done that. Our cellphone are evil machines that take over our self-control even when we are driving.


    Usually, when the car in front of you is driving very slow, oblivious of the traffic behind it, it’s a texter.


    The irony is, we get extremely angry w mensirnzamir w nkarfit w nshawbir – even though, just a minute ago we were replying to our group chats, mom, dad, eben 3ame, and skyping with our dog. Haha, we are all such hypocrites!



    P.S. Please Don’t Text and Drive!


    4)The Impatient

    Those drivers can’t handle traffic or other drivers – they pretty much hate driving all in all. Some of them traveled and came back, giving them a taste of a more peaceful rules filled road experience.  As soon as they come back to Lebanon, they can’t handle driving here anymore.



    It’s kind of stressful being in the passenger’s seat next to this driver. Whenever the car stops, you start feeling the tension in the car. Eventually, a lot of cursing and honking follow up.


    5)The Mom

    These drivers usually don’t like being in the passenger’s seat and the driver, doesn’t like having them there as well. They will criticize everything.


    -That car stopped.

    -It’s a red light

    -Aren’t you going a bit too fast

    -Wear your seatbelt

    -“Shefto? SHEFTO? KEN FET FIK”

    - “Fi siyara 3am teksor 3lek – NTEBIH!”

    - “Khalas batal fiye, nazelne hone”



    It’s always a panic party with this one. Let’s not forget when they start stepping on the invisible “da3sit l frem” with the heart stopping “Na2ze”.


    No matter what type of driver you are, please drive safely at all times and WEAR YOUR SEATBELT!!

    • 5 Types of Lebanese Drivers