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    Countries with the worlds most beautiful women

    Women no doubt are beautiful creations of God, and remain beautiful no matter where they are. However, they tend to exceed the boundaries of beauty a bit and become almost angel like in certain countries. And if you are wondering where you would be able to find such women, check out the list of the countries you can visit to see the world’s most beautiful women.

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    Sweden is considered to be the country with the best looking men and women in the entire world. In addition to housing some seriously beautiful places and attractions, the country is teeming with beautiful gals and guys galore!

    The women you meet in this country are literally stunning. Picture this! Tall and slender, blonde and blue eyed, smart and friendly, and highly educated. That’s what would describe a Swedish woman. Probably the best place to get a girl with both the beauty and the brains!

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    This South American country is known for its stunning beaches and locales, and equally stunning women. The women here are tall, striking, fashionable, friendly and incredibly romantic. And they tend to speak English with a heavy accent that would floor you instantly! Probably, it explains why Argentina is considered home to the most beautiful women in the Western Hemisphere.

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    Despite knowing that the mail-order bride business in Ukraine is a scam (in most cases), thousands of men still manage to fall into the trap and visit the country every year. The reason? The striking beauty of Ukrainian women that manages to draw these men like bees to honey!

    The best places in the country to catch the true beauty of its women include the capital city, Kiev, Odessa and the Black Sea Coast. Be forewarned though, for most of these women work for the mail-order business and can easily trick you in to spending your life earnings on one single date. Does that make them extremely clever?

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    Russia is said to be home to some of the most beautiful women on the planet. Fair skinned, blue eyed, raven haired, slender and highly intelligent. And the beauty of these women is not restricted to the capital alone. All the way from Siberia to Moscow, there are over 4000 miles of land filled with these gorgeous women. Better yet, you can manage to find a unique blend of Russian speaking Asians and Europeans as move towards Siberia.

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    Not many would know that this little country in Eastern Europe happens to be home to some of the most angelic women on Earth. With plenty of medieval towns, lively cities, bustling ski resorts and stunning beaches, Bulgaria is the quintessential holiday hub for avid travelers.

    Bulgarian women are no exception as well!

    Tall, fair skinned, light eyed and dark haired, these beauties are extremely friendly and romantic. And if you really want to guess as to how they would look like in person, take a look at Kate Beckinsale from the Underworld movie series and you would probably know what we are talking about here.



    Thailand may be known for its nature, culture and hospitality. It is also known for its beautiful women who are shy, but extremely friendly and romantic once they come to know you though. A tad bit dark skinned, these beauties sport soft features and exude a jaw dropping raw exoticism that needs to be seen to be believed!

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    The Dutch may be known around the world for their friendly hospitality. However, they are also known for their amazingly tall and beautiful women. And when we say tall, we mean really tall. The average Dutch women is easily over 5ft 8 inches tall.

    But that doesn’t seem to deter individuals from flocking to the country just to have a look at these beauties. Don’t worry about the response you would get, as Dutch women also tend to be among the friendliest and most welcoming women on the planet.

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    The Arab world and beautiful women go hand in hand. And when it comes to gorgeous Arabian women, you would find plenty of them in Lebanon. If their slender, curvy and sun tanned bodies don’t catch your attention, their mesmerizing eyes definitely would. Usually left out from such lists, Lebanese women are like beautiful mysteries waiting to be unraveled.

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    How can a list like this go complete without mentioning India? Of course the decision to add this country to the list would raise a few eyebrows. But we have our justifications handy.

    Point 1: Sugar, Spice and everything nice! That’s the quintessential Indian woman for you. Sugary in her friendly demeanor and spicy in her looks and style quotients, the typical Indian beauty would captivate you for sure.

    Point 2: Indian women are very religious and cultural. And even the most modern Indian woman would transform into a traditional avatar from time to time. They take extra care in whatever they do, including treating, caring for and pampering their men.

    And Point 3: No one can wear the saree like the Indian women. It’s actually a wonder as to how these women can drape themselves in 6 yards of cloth and still come out looking ultra-sexy and drop-dead gorgeous. And it takes a certain panache to carry off the saree in style, which Indian women manage to accomplish effortlessly.



    • Countries with the worlds most beautiful women