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    6 Simple Ways to Teach Kids about Easter

    16 april 2019

    When portraying Easter to kids, we get carried away with the fun stuff like bunnies, chocolate eggs, colorful baskets and egg hunts; however we seldom refer to the true meaning of the celebration in fear that the topic might be too heavy for them to process. While it in no way is an easy subject to explain, it is our duty as faithful parents to plant the seeds of knowledge to our children for it to bloom while they grow into adulthood. We at Beiruting Kids have rounded up simplified ways to explain Easter and can be detailed further by the parent depending on the age of each child.


    1. Explain the religious meaning of Easter and do not be afraid to speak of death. Clarify that when a person argues, fights, hits or doesn’t share, Jesus is sad because this is called a sin. Tell your children that Jesus was a good person but sometimes people said he wasn’t so they punished him and He went to heaven to ask God to forgive those who wronged him and us for the bad things that we are doing.


    2. Introduce the crucifix and how it was a form of punishment during that time, leaving out unnecessary painful detail, to illustrate the power of this symbol and why they will see it on Sunday at church.


    3. Fill a basin with warm water and soap and have the members of your family wash each other’s feet. While doing so, explain that Jesus did this for his disciples and that the priest on Thursday will be washing his parishioner’s feet as well. This teaches children humility, links teachings to the church which they will be excited to see, and by practice the idea will stick to their heads longer.


    4. Use their love of coloring eggs to a religious advantage. Explain that once their basket if full, they may donate their contents to the needy in a selfless act that resembles what Jesus would do.


    5. Follow up by explaining why eggs are important symbols, and how they represent new life. Tie this idea in with the fact that Jesus rose from the dead, or in simple terms, came back from seeing God in heaven. Therefore you may choose to give examples along with the egg about things that mean new life.


    6. Head to your neighborhood library and pick out a Bible or a specific book about Easter. The child-friendly illustrations will help because it will feel like a bedtime story to your kids, one they are eager to see unfold.



    Be on the lookout for cues from your children to see whether or not they is processing the information well. Embrace questions and emotions regarding the deep topic being introduced, and hopefully with each passing year, they will begin to understand more and more.


    On that note, the team at Beiruting Kids wishes you and your families a blessed week and a happy Easter!


    Maria Najem


    Photo: cedarmontfarm.com



    • 6 Simple Ways to Teach Kids about Easter