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    Summer Ideas For Working and Non-Working Moms

    13 june 2019

    The end of the school year is upon us and the thoughts of every mother are the same. What should I do during the summer with the kids? For both working and non-working moms the break of a standard routine brings havoc, but thankfully each situation has its options.


    Working Moms


    Mothers who work outside the home have mainly one option that will save their mental energy and help them stay focused on work. That option is summer school, also known as “colonie”. Some of these camps offer 8 weeks of the almost 4 month summer break while other open their doors every month. Every family knows their situation, in terms of time and finances, so the decision can be made accordingly. For example if the grandparents or nanny is in the picture, they can opt for a short colonie with the rest of the time being filled with the help they can get from close ones, but if not then they will need to resort to the full summer camp for the mother to be able to continue her work at the office.




    Make sure to spend quality time with your kids after work to ask them about their day at camp and all the activities they did. Plan together what you would like to do during the weekend and use that extra time to bond and create memories.


    Non-Working Moms


    Mothers who either work from home or are homemakers, the situation is equally challenging. You definitely have the option to send the kids to summer camp but if you choose to have them stay at home, there is a golden rule to follow. This rule is routine. Of course the routine isn’t as harsh as it was with school, waking up early, finishing homework etc, but generally speaking, teach your kids to play alone at least for a couple of hours in the morning while you get your work done. When they settle in this new pace you can create daily plans to fill the time and enjoy the summer. For example, rotate between playdates, outdoor fun, picnics, malls, supermarkets, beach, relatives and staying home reading, doing crafts and drawing.




    Make sure to spend time alone to maintain your sanity, having children at home can prevent you from taking care of your needs, therefore be mindful of your health both mental and physical.


    Maria Hage-Boutros Najem

    Photo: todaysparent.com

    • Summer Ideas For Working and Non-Working Moms