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    Steering Away From The Organic Trend

    02 october 2018

    As parents we strive to give the best of everything to our children, from schools to gadgets and everything in between. When it comes to their food intake, we religiously follow the latest health trends and newest hip meal combos, but it that really necessary?


    How much is too much?


    In the past years we have heard the words quinoa, kale and organic more times than we would like to, and while new knowledge is always good, taking it to the extreme is not. You know when you don’t want to give your children sugars and their grandparents give them a piece of cake anyway, and when you object they repeat the “you used to eat it and you turned out fine” speech? Well I wouldn’t take it to that extreme; we do tend to limit sugar consumption even though marshmallows and chocolate always get tossed into the mix, but that is fine compared to the extremism that is happening with regards to healthy options.


    Let our grandparents, who were physically strong and overcame disease (within the limitations of the lack of medication obviously) be our example. They planted their lands, reaped the proverbial fruit of their labor and ate whatever was in season. Home cooked meals where the only way to go, food was free of colorants and additives and it was a simpler time. We can mimic this lifestyle to a certain extent by providing our children with the nutrients they need to grow physically and mentally without overdoing the trends. Yes organic is a great choice, but if isn’t available, a regular squash will do. Yes quinoa is healthy but so is good old rice. I could go on with the list of hipster “this just in” fad foods but at the end of the day is it more feasible in terms of time and otherwise to shop at a local supermarket or in the village, pick up fresh vegetables and cook a traditional dish with love.


    This might be a sensitive topic to touch upon because many parents choose to follow a certain path when it comes to their children’s health. If you have the energy and will to follow through then kudos to you, but for the rest of us who feel overwhelmed by trends popping up daily, we try to establish a middle ground between putting to good use what new researches allow us to understand and with what our ancestors used to live by.


    Maria Najem


    Photo: eatthis.com



    • Steering Away From The Organic Trend