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    Four Tips For Better Daycare Integration

    04 october 2018

    Choosing to send your child to daycare brings on a multitude of questions without clear answers. From the readiness to the need and even to the added expense, it isn’t a light subject to handle. Assuming the decision is taken and the child will attend daycare, how can you prepare him for accepting the separation and adapting to his new environment?


    I tried certain techniques with my son before enrolling him in daycare 2 months ago, and I still do them on a daily basis. They are not a hassle at all, rather a routine, and an affirmation. As mothers we want our children to be loved and cared for, the last thing we need is for them to go crying and come back angry. While there are always moments like these at the beginning and less often later on, if you try these tips you will ensure a smooth transition!


    Here are 4 ways for pleasant daycare integration:


    1. If the child has an older sibling who goes to summer camp and school, play on that by telling him how big his brother/sister is and how they spend the day away from home. If there is a baby at home, stress that the baby can’t walk or talk and unfortunately cannot attend daycare. Your child will start to compare in a constructive manner and will feel a sense of independence when he realizes he also is of an age to spend time outside the nurturing household.


    2. Explain to your child that you are not abandoning him or that you aren’t having fun without him. Avoid things like telling him you went to the mall or did some activity lest he feels he missed out. Instead try reminding him daily that his sibling (if applicable) is going to school and that you and his father are each going to work and he will go to daycare. He will feel that he too has somewhere to go during the day.


    3. Always tell your child that you will come back to pick him up. At all costs avoid drama and tears, at least hold off until you are alone, because your child will pick up on the tension and if he feels you are hesitant he will start to question the safety and love of his new surroundings.


    4. When you do pick your child up, ask in the sweetest most interested voice about his day, what he ate, if he slept, who his friends are and what he played. This will give him a sense of self and will ease the way into daily communication.


    Maria Najem


    Photo: momjunction.com



    • Four Tips For Better Daycare Integration