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    Benefits of Reading to Your Child at All Ages

    18 october 2018

    How many of you love to read?


    How many of you read to your children?


    While books might not be everyone’s cup of tea, this trait doesn’t necessarily have to be transferred to our children. With the countless benefits of reading to them, it leaves us no other option but to nourish their minds and fuel their imagination.


    So what are the benefits of reading to children?


    Surprising as it may seem, when the baby is in the womb and similar to the way he can listen to music and sounds, he can also distinguish when his mother is reading to him, setting a foundation of communication.



    Reading a book to a child at this age helps him learn how to handle a book, and that the latter consists of pages that can be turned rather than be used as a toy. It also helps the baby be aware of changes in the reader’s tone of voice, cuing emotions.



    While toddlers still don’t understand much of what is being said in a story, you can help them relate the book to the real world. For example in a picture book, point to the objects then show your child where they are in real life. Many children’s books tell simple stories of family and friends in familiar surroundings such as a home, school or garden. An older toddler can benefit from learning how to pronounce the words as well as the basics of formulating a sentence composed of 2 or more words.



    At this age, children tend to fixate on a book(s) and ask for it to be read over and over. Do not fret, this is their way of expressing interest in a certain story and are listening intently while developing their vocabulary. Emphasize on characters in the book by using a different tone of voice for each, this will set the foundation for the love of books where your child will eventually seek out to read on their own.


    Older Children & Pre-Teens:

    You can still read out loud to them and be sure that while their brains are developing, they are able to relate to the events in the book on another level which makes them aware of other characters and circumstances, teaching them empathy. The grammar and word choice used in books allows children of this age to learn a more formal and sophisticated tone of writing and language.



    While it may seem awkward to read to a teen, it is a very critical age where either the love of books is instilled or is considered a drag or simply a school duty. Change this perspective while you can and make stories fun and relatable and you will have a future adult who is an avid reader!


    Maria Najem


    Photo: health.clevelandclinic.org

    • Benefits of Reading to Your Child at All Ages