Keeping Kids Healthy During the Holidays
Keeping kids healthy all year round is no easy feat, and making sure they don't indulge in junk food is no walk in the park either. That's why we've curated a few helpful tips to keep your kids healthy this holiday season; yet still let them enjoy the festivities with you.
Swap ingredients for healthy substitutes
'Tis the season to be jolly and indulge in all the delicious holiday treats, but that doesn't mean you should binge uncontrollably or let your kids follow your footsteps, nonetheless. It's important for parents to set a good example, making sure they themselves are indulging in moderation, as their kids will be home for the holidays and spending more time with them.
Try swapping ingredients for healthier choices. Some easy-to-follow examples include:
Coconut oil instead of butter
Whole wheat pasta instead of white pasta
Brown rice instead of white rice
Boiled eggs instead of scrambled
Maple syrup or honey instead of sugar
Veggies and dip instead of chips and salsa/cheddar
Tomatoes instead of ketchup
Fresh fruit juice instead of sugary drinks
Make sure they stay active
Days off from school more often than not mean days off from any form of physical activity. Don't let your kids become the couch potatoes you see in holiday movies.
Tips to keep them active include:
Planning family games and outdoor activities if the weather permits
Limiting time on TV and video games, and time spent on mobile phones and similar devices
Encouraging them to help out around the house, especially when it comes to prepping for holiday get-togethers and meals.
Gradually shift back into school-time routines
As much as we know you love having them around, your kids wont be on holiday forever. As the end of the holidays start creeping up on the calendar, help your kids gradually shift back into their daily routine. You can simply do this by:
Allowing less TV time
Making sure mobile phones and other electronics are not in use after hours
Encouraging them to sleep and wake up earlier
Getting them to read or complete homework in order to exercise their brain and get back into the studying mood.
As long as you keep moderation, physical activity, and healthy eating habits in mind, everyone will enjoy the holiday season.