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    The Parenting Trend For 2019

    21 february 2019

    When it comes to parenting styles there is always a new trend that makes its way to the public. Some of these styles are efficient and fit our modern lives while others are more control oriented and disciplinarian. We’ve heard a lot about these approaches and at Beiruting Kids a few months back we dedicated an article on these styles and their effects.


    But what is the new parenting trend for 2019?


    Prepare yourself to hear a lot about “Lawnmower Parenting” this year. A lawnmower by definition is a device that grazes over grass to cut it and keep it looking trim and proper. How does this apply to parenting you might think? A lawnmower parent is one who literally “mows” down obstacles that his/her children might face in hopes that they do not have any adversity. Therefore this type of parenting style is where the mother or father are always one step ahead, making sure things run smoothly with their kids.


    This might sound like a logical thing to do because as parents we want to protect our kids, but what happens in this case is the opposite. Psychologically speaking, a parent who goes to this length to remove these hurdles for their child is very likely to have had a bit of a tough childhood or has faced many struggles, even perhaps has been shamed for failing. Of course this parent would not want his child to face the same situations and decides to help out. This comes from a good intention but the after effect is a child who will grow into an adult who can’t manage to do things on his own. This future adult will panic at the slightest obstacle and won’t be able to manage alone because failure becomes fear with which the only coping mechanism is negative manners such as addiction and self blame.


    Parenting trends are neither good nor bad; we may choose to adopt a certain style if we believe it suits our lifestyle and our children’s character. But it is always worthy to note the cause of each trend and the aftermath it may cause so we can make informed decisions.


    Remember, you heard it here first!


    Maria Najem

    Photo: dispatch.ug

    • The Parenting Trend For 2019