Design it! contest prize award took place on December 16, 2015, at the enchanting Badguèr Center Bourj Hammoud.
The contest, organized jointly by PRIME project and Badguèr Center for Artisans and Creators, aims at showcasing the talents of young Lebanese creators in jewelry, and promoting this sector in general.
Ten young entrepreneurs in the jewelry sector presented selected designs to a jury composed of Mr. Boghos Kurdian, President of the Syndicate of Expert Goldsmiths and Jewelers in Lebanon, Ms. Dania Nsouli, Owner of Nsouli Jewelry and representing the Syndicate of Jewelers in Lebanon, and Mr. Hagop Dakessian, from Dakessian Jewellers.
The best designs were selected on the basis of their innovative aspect, their artistic side, and the reflection of the personal work of the designer.
Winners are the following:
1.Sarhad Aprahamian, with the asymmetric earrings "Waves"
2.Ghina Anna, with the ring "Black Blossom"
3.Mohammad Sabe Ayoun, with the ring "Brilliant Cutting"
Members of the jury, which are all confirmed professional actors from the jewelry and design sectors shared their experience in this domain with the participants in the contest . According to Ms. Nsouli, "the globalization of the market with the presence of internet makes models available easily. However, it is up to the entrepreneur in jewelry to innovate and bring his or her own touch to the creations."
Mr. Kurdian added that a designer in jewelry should be not only talented, but also dreamy. "If I was to give an advice to a young designer, I would tell him to pursue his dreams, until he reaches his goal."
"Jewelry is an industry of love", said Maya Mukhi, partner in Mukhi Sisters Company, and an active participant in PRIME activities. "Being in this sector brought about my creativity and my artistic skills."
PRIME project, financed by the European Union through the ENPI CBC-Med program, aims at supporting the gemology, goldsmith, and silversmith sector, by promoting intergenerational learning. The project contributes to greater professionalism in new or ambitious young entrepreneurs, in the business management and organizational structure of family-owned SMEs by improving the lack of knowledge on the part of heads of family businesses regarding the importance of instituting clearer transparent professional management practices and by planning intergenerational business transfer.
The Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Beirut and Mount Lebanon, as an active partner in PRIME, organized a series of training and mentoring sessions, in line with the objectives of the project. This activity aimed at helping participants become successful business entrepreneurs, by transmitting to them core competences and skills from senior entrepreneurs as well as trainers. 14 junior entrepreneurs as well as 5 senior entrepreneurs actively participated in this training and mentoring scheme.
"Trainings in PRIME project helped me improve my business", says Mohammad Sabe Ayoun, one of the winners of Design it! contest, "especially that I started from scratch in this sector. I learned that small things can lead to powerful achievements."
Lebanese young entrepreneurs from this sector had also the chance to participate in study tours to Rome, Athens and Thessaloniki. The study visit included presentations and on-site visits to ministries, business and business associations, educational and training institutions, training sites, exchange and sharing of experiences among the young new or aspiring entrepreneurs.
"Lebanese jewelry products are widely recognized and appreciated through the world", said Aline Farajian, PRIME project manager at the Chamber of Commerce. In this regard, the Chamber of Commerce strives to open bridges to new markets for Lebanese companies.
Edmond Farhat, a young entrepreneur in this domain, said that PRIME opened the door for new opportunities with e-commerce. When participating the study tour in Greece, he benefited from the Greek traditions in order to reflect them in him creations and give them a new perspective.