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    Fun Daddy Traits on Father's Day

    20 june 2019

    People all around the world celebrate mother’s day with gifts, cakes, flowers and words from the heart. But as father’s day approaches, a day that coincides with the longest day of the year and announces the start of summer, one cannot help but feel that dads don’t get as much recognition. In our hearts, mothers and fathers are equally loved; however when it comes to marketing and professing that adulation, this day takes a back seat. So today, instead of letting this occasion pass semi-unnoticed, how about we share the most lovable and essential things that the fathers of our children do!


    Dads are the fun parents! Let’s face it, moms hold the household together including scheduling, errands, routines and discipline, and rarely get the chance to let loose with their kids. In comes dad, whom the children run to for playing, sneaking in some junk food, and an overall goofy time. The reason is that while most fathers are away for work the entire day, they only get to see their kids a brief while midweek and on the weekends, and during this valuable time they try their best to shower them with affection instead of imposing rules.


    Dads try their best to help around the house. It’s true that most times they end up doing more harm than good, but their intentions are what count. How many times have us mothers been late to come home or had to run out to get something done? We rely on our husbands to help out with the dishes, laundry and the bedtime routine, and while in reality it is never done as we would have wanted, at least they tried their best!


    Dads keep our sanity intact many times. As mothers, multitasking day after day makes us exhausted and we feel like we will lose our cool. Just when we think we can’t handle anymore, our husbands swoop in and surprise us by taking the kids to a playground or watching over them while we take a long bath, head out for a girls night or hit the gym. Truth is, they do notice and appreciate all the things we do as mothers, even if they aren’t always vocal about it.


    This weekend, and for the lovable things listed above and many others not mentioned but known in our hearts and minds, how about we show a token of appreciation to our husbands, the superdads, and prepare something cozy and fun with our children to celebrate the day!


    Maria Hage-Boutros Najem

    Photo: smartparents.sg







    • Fun Daddy Traits on Father's Day