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    Easy Tips to Protect Kids From the Spring Flu

    18 march 2019

    Just when the winter season is coming to an end and parents are relieved that the dreaded flu is over with, spring brings with it weather that is rainy and hot, dry and humid, and perplexes us all! These inconsistencies are enough to make any child catch the flu again if precautions aren’t taken. Below are some rules we can abide by to reduce the chance of the change of weather having any effect on our children.


    Dress according to the weather but do so in layers. You may wake up and the sky is grim but when you are out the sun might come up and your child will be too hot if he is wearing a thick winter coat. Same applies for a warm day that eventually transforms into stormy. The best we can do is layer cotton items that can be added or removed instantaneously.


    As parents and in case we have not taken the flu shot at the beginning of the previous season, we need to be aware that we might be a carrier of viruses. Most of the time we place importance on children getting infected from each other that we forget that our own health matters, especially because we are always in contact with our kids in moments such as bath, meals and sleep. If we feel that flu is sneaking up on us, we can start by wearing a mask over our mouth for protection.


    We often forget to carry hand sanitizer but it does kill various types of germs and comes in handy if our child touches a surface that might be contaminated especially in public places. Always be on the lookout for transmission of germs from a surface to their mouth or eyes, and keep a gel sanitizer and/or wet wipes with you at all times. Also be reminded to disinfect surfaces at home and wash your hands as well as your child’s frequently.


    Do not be shy when it comes to stating facts, if a friend or relative asks you to visit or would like to visit you when they or someone in their household (a family member or a baby) is sick, it is your complete right to refuse that visit to protect your home and the health of your children. Safety first in these situations and it is better to be blunt than have your child suffer the consequences of a flu which many times is accompanied by incessant coughing, fever, diarrhea or vomiting.


    We hope these easy tips will help parents and children be protected during this ongoing flu season, we wish you great health!


    Maria Najem


    Photo: www.everydayfamily.com

    • Easy Tips to Protect Kids From the Spring Flu