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    2 Motherhood Mantras to Help You Cope

    11 march 2019

    Motherhood is a blessing and a challenge. No matter how some try hard to make it seem easy or perfect, we all know that reality is different and a lot more goes on underneath the surface. We have all gone through phases where we doubt ourselves, our capacities and generally why we do what we do. But if this isn’t dealt with in a proper emotionally intelligent way it could snowball into anxiety or depression.


    How can we ease our mind from the daily troubles and struggles we face? How can we shed some light onto our personal and family matters that help us through times?


    Here are 2 mantras to repeat when things go unexpected or when we are bothered by something that will put things in perspective.


    1. This too shall pass.


    We hear this phrase a lot when things go wrong or when there is sorrow and grief. It can also apply to the little things. You were too hard on your kids? You forbade them to play more than they should? You allowed them to eat too much chocolate? You’ve had a series of bad days at work and your mood turned sour even at home? It is important to remind ourselves that we need to forgive ourselves for things that are out of our control. Our sleepless nights, our fatigue, our attitude towards certain incidents, they don’t define us. They are merely a part of life as a mother and in no way make us bad parents. That is why when faced with challenges take a deep breath and should repeat this phrase.


    2. Will I care about this when I’m old?


    Another mantra that puts things into perspective and doesn’t allow us to waste our time worrying and over-thinking is the above. Life is a series of fleeting moments and sometimes we spend too much time and effort pleasing others or thinking about what they will think about us as mothers. In reality we shouldn’t waste mental and emotional energy on things that eventually won’t matter. The best way to evaluate a situation is to think if what we’re dealing with will be important 30 or 40 years from now. If it does then it deserves our attention, but if it doesn’t then why waste even a moment analyzing and stressing?


    I hope these mantras can help you through challenging times, ups and downs that are either insignificant or major, and may you come out stronger than ever and living in the moment.


    Maria Najem

    Photo: yourhealth.net.au

    • 2 Motherhood Mantras to Help You Cope