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    The Importance of Me-Time

    20 september 2018

    Do you often find yourself overwhelmed by the motherhood cycle day in day out? That you need a break in this perpetual state of chauffeuring, errands, laundry piles, dishes, bath time and bed time? Trust me you are not alone. No one prepares you for this constant routine, you have to figure it out on your own and when you do; you realize that it’s detrimental to stay trapped in this bubble.


    This is why you must make time for yourself to do what makes you happy.


    It is easier said than done. You might feel guilty or that you need to finish house work before heading out, but the truth is there is no reason to feel guilty just like household chores are never ending. When I had my first child it was all about her but I knew that if I didn’t take a daily or weekly breather, I would end up resenting being a mother, so I would go to sports classes twice a week to take the edge off. Soon after I got comfortable with taking me time so I would organize a girls night or go shopping solo, and the nights where I didn’t have the energy or will to get outside the house I would practice my hobbies indoors. Baby number two came along and it wasn’t hard for me to set a routine where I have alone time as often as I can. I went out nightly for a solitary walk in nature which was good for fitness and gave me time to think, I attended more events as a blogger and dinners with friends. I went to the beach by myself to listen to the waves and read a book as well as spending a day in the city totally child free enjoying a cup of tea while people watching. These of course weren’t daily activities, during the course of the week I’d be working and managing two kids who nag and need constant attention, I would barely have time to have breakfast much less sit down and relax so if I didn’t have that outlet every so often, you would not be reading the musings of a mom who has it together.


    What I’m trying to convey is a message that you deserve some time off, and you should make it happen, no matter how short the time is or how often (or not) it can be done. Remember that a happy mommy equals a happy baby. That time alone or with friends allows you to recharge and come back home fully energized to cope with long days of parenting.


    Maria Najem


    photo: dailymail.co.uk

    • The Importance of Me-Time